Baca-Villa PPP Organic sustainable supply chain Workshop at Cambodia.
Baca-Villa built the PPP project with local partners together with Pierre Fabre.
In June 2019, Baca-Villa organised a workshop for the project “Establishment of Education Partnerships and Qualification of Supply Chains in the Cambodian Agricultural Sector”. Baca-Villa is a private Cambodian company which exports organic Moringa leaves. Baca-Villa built the PPP project with local partners together with Pierre Fabre, a French private company, Pierre Fabre. Baca-Villa is committed in different projects of development of new supply chain. This event follows a previous workshop on the extraction of seed oil by pressing, performed by Xavier PAGES (international oil pressing expert).
Before this workshop, a 2 days visit in the fields was the opportunity to explain the different steps of production, the organization between Baca-Villa and the farmers and to bring back examples of items for improving the quality. “This visit was a great opportunity for me to understand the organization, to make a short risk analysis of the environment and to promote good agricultural practices like hedges to increase biodiversity” explains Alexandre PANEL, the agronomist and quality of sustainable supply chain manager of Pierre Fabre.
The agronomist manager from Pierre Fabre was coming to share his experience on sustainable supply chain of herbs used in nutraceutic and cosmetic products. The main aims of this workshop were to :
- Explain the different factors of herbs quality when you use it as a raw material for nutraceutical or cosmetic industry
- Present the main standards of quality for agricultural, nutraceutical and cosmetic ingredients and especially what are the questions during such a customer’s audit
- Explain the HACCP methodology and the documents asked for a cosmetic ingredient homologation
- Explain what are the different items of sustainability on a supply chain of herbs, and what does the customers and the final consumer expect
Some examples of sustainable supply chain in Pierre Fabre products and how it is explained to the consumer.
In Siem Reap, the workshop on sustainable supply chain was organised during 3 days. 25 people belonging to different network joined this meeting: 10 people working for Baca-Villa c; 6 people working from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia with researchers specialized in food processing; teachers from the university of agronomy ; NGOs like Action Against Hunger… We shared examples of farmers ‘production all around the world to secure the industrial supply chain thanks a sustainable approach. The explanation of the agricultural, nutraceutical and cosmetic standards helps to start new project with trust.
During this workshop, different exchanges on legal minimum cost of work, child labour, hygienic rules in farms were hold. The main subjects were how can we improve the training of the farmers (who don’t know how to write) to be organic certified? What kind of tools can we use to train the farmers on the rules of traceability? With some examples in Madagascar, we shared some tools like pictures to explain the best time for harvest. To be sure that the farmers are committed to the new supply chain, in Brazil, NGOs make a survey to select the most committed community and organise workshops to train the farmers on good agricultural practices. “The key of success of sustainable supply chain is the well understanding of what all the third parties expect, from farmers to final consumers. A good sustainable supply chain contributes to secure industrial business and share the value at all the steps of production” says Alexandre PANEL, agronomist and quality of sustainable supply chain manager in Pierre Fabre.
So three wonderful days to share all those experience from Pierre Fabre and its approach Green Mission Pierre Fabre with Cambodian private company and NGO and researchers thanks a program financed by German cooperation.