Tag Archives: Sustainable Development Goals

Baca-Villa and the 17 SDGoals for People, for Planet

Baca-Villa and the 17 SDGoals for People, for Planet.

Baca-Villa and the 17 SDGoals for People, for Plane.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030. Adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, the SDGs are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the environment. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, equality, and job opportunities while tackling climate change and working to preserve our ocean and forests.

Baca-Villa can, therefore, confirm that we are focusing on the following SDG goals:
1. No poverty – we offer jobs to more than 100 employees and poor farmers so that they can lift themselves and their extended families out of poverty.
2. No hunger – we aim to produce moringa, one of the most nutritious plants in the world, to alleviate hunger
4. Quality education – through the PPP we offer farmers the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development
5. Gender equality – we do our best to hire at least 50% of women to ensure that they can support their families independently
6. Clean water and sanitation – we have installed a water filtration system at the factory that now meets the minimum standards of the World Health Organization for drinking water and provides access to all employees
8. Decent work and economic growth – we employ more than 100 disadvantaged Cambodians and pay them well above the minimum wage
9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure – we strive for innovation through our PPP with the support of Pierre Fabre in their research and development efforts
12. Responsible consumption and production – we are certified organic that specifically relates to responsible and sustainable production
17. Partnerships for goals – we have specifically pursued our PPP to address many of the issues identified in the SDGs.

We, therefore, focus specifically on 9 of the 17 SDGs in our daily activities. I think you would find it a challenge to identify another small company that does so much to achieve SDGs.


And we continue to look and find out whether we can achieve other goals.
More information can be found here:


and here:


Baca-Villa and 17 SDGoals for People for Plane.
